The Ends of the Earth

G Adventures' ship, the G Expedition, is one of the small group travel company's premiere products. Aboard the ship, travellers can explore Antarctica, the Arctic, or Norway and get closer than ever to the wildlife and landscapes — without sacrificing comfort.

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In 2018, the year of its production, Ends of the Earth was distributed in three countries: Canada, the USA, and the UK. A total of 101,764 were distributed, with more than 4,500 in Canada, nearly 20,000 in the USA, and about 77,000 in the UK. 

Pageviews to the G Expedition landing page increased by 22% from 2017 to 2018 for the same four-month period following the piece’s release. This evergreen piece continues to be used when introducing the program to travellers and travel agents. 

Client: G Adventures (in-house)

Art Director: Peter Markiw

Associate Creative Director: Norbert Knops

Creative Director: Dave Daga

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